Tableau URL actions

Tightening feedback loops and deep linking
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Brian Vancil


learning goals

  1. the difference between automating and informating
  2. how to create a URL action in Tableau
  3. when to create a URL action in Tableau by looking at 3 case studies
    1. 🔁 Pre-populating fields on a dashboard feedback form with Google Forms
    2. 🌡️ Identifying bad data using data quality dashboards with Qualtrics
    3. 🔍 Linking back to a source system with Slate

philosophy of helpfulness

Bear lying down with the text, our users aren't lazy; they deserve the best user experience.



Informating is a term coined by Shoshana Zuboff in the book In the Age of the Smart Machine (1988). You can think of it as “turning something into useable information.”

Broke Bespoke
Displaying an employee ID Linking to their detail page in your HR system
Displaying weird records on a data quality dashboard Linking to where users can fix them
Displaying a course a student has taken Linking to the course catalog or a dashboard where you can see how others have fared

creating a URL action

Click on Dashboard and then Actions

Click menu Dashboard > Actions…

Click Add Action, then 'Go to URL...'

Then click the Add Action button and select “Go to URL…”

creating a URL action

  1. Give the URL Action a good name, since it will be the link text when you use Run action on Menu.
  2. The URL is the most important part. Start simple and build complexity iteratively!
Add URL Action dialog

case study 🔁: feedback via Google Forms


test dashboard

Dashboard with a link to 'Give feedback'

🔁 functionality

Tableau pop-up window showing URL action

Pre-filled information on feedback form

🔁 how it works in Google Forms

Click on “⁝” > “Get pre-filled link”

🔁 how it works in Google Forms

When you click “Get link” and then “COPY LINK”, you’ll get something like (where I have added spaces and line breaks for readability): 5vk1Wmk3c_BuDvsmnShylr6FLGGx0vaQdyw/viewform ?usp=pp_url &entry.1727620612=First+Name &entry.838417280=Last+Name &entry.908520332=__other_option__ &entry.908520332.other_option_response=other+dashboard

🔁 GET-style URLs

meaning URL part
protocol https://
server name
path /forms/d/e/.../viewform
start of GET query ?
key=URL-encoded value usp=pp_url
separator &
key=URL-encoded value entry.908520332=Retention+%26+progression
separator &
key=URL-encoded value entry.1727620612=<Username>
separator &
key=URL-encoded value entry.838417280=<Full name>

URL broken up into multiple pieces. These should all be on one line.

References: introduction to URL encoding

🔁 how it works in Tableau

List of two dashboard actions, Give feedback on dashboard A and Give feedback on dashboard B. Both are Menu actions that use Username and Full name.

🔁 what to prepopulate

The calculation Username is just the string My Tableau Server User Name in upper camel case

The calculation Full name is just the string My Full Name

🔁 create a feedback sheet

Create a sheet with Username and Full name on details. You can also create a tooltip Privacy Notice Privacy Notice tooltip stating that we will pass the following values to Google Forms

🔁 edit the action

Edit URL action to add a menu action using a given URL.

case study: 🌡️ Data quality via Qualtrics

🌡️ results

test dashboard

Dashboard with a link to 'Give feedback about this data point'

🌡️ functionality

Pre-filled form

🌡️ add parameters to a survey

Click on the Survey flow button

Click on the “Survey flow” button.

References: Qualtrics. “Passing information via query strings”.

🌡️ survey flow

Survey flow that sets id, user, and name from the URL

Set Embedded Data variables from the URL

🌡️ use embedded data variables

Set an individual field

Use Embedded Data variable in default value with the syntax ${e://Field/fieldname}

🌡️ conclusions

Clicking on feedback dot brings up link.

Feedback dot approach

case study: 🔍 deep-linking into Slate

🔍 warning!

🚧🏗👷‍♀️👷‍♂️🏗🚧 This section is a work-in-progress.

🔍 creating Slate URLs


🔍 add parameter to report

To define a parameter called StudentID, use an XML fragment like <param id="StudentID" />

Edit Report dialog box

Click “Edit Report” and then “Edit” to bring up the “Edit Report” dialog

🔍 add a report part

Edit Part dialog box with Data Table as Type

🔍 use parameter in a filter


🔍 all filled out

🔍 it works?


Error: Must declare the scalar variable “@StudentID”.


caveats and tips

  • Be sure that you are exporting FERPA-covered data elements to encrypted web services (i.e., those with https:// URLs).

  • If you do not see the URL action link in Tableau:

    • Check that you included the variable pills on detail.
    • Check that the URL scheme is valid. Start with a simple URL and grow it iteratively.
    • Did you turn on URL encoding? Use care, as it encodes all parameters and variables in the URL, so don’t use a variable for the base URL!

more information


presentation (Use the s key to show all the speaker notes.)